VlamCarter was born out of my and Michael Vlamis’ desire to work together and get weird. We’d worked together a few times before we made this sketch show - which probably holds the record for the shortest season of any show ever at 3 minutes 37 seconds total - but this was the first time someone else paid for us to make something, which was very exciting. We also wanted to stand out from other sketch shows and make ours look as cinematic as possible without taking away from the comedy.
The polished look is all thanks to cinematographer Patrick Ouziel, who has been my DP ever since & has shot every project featured on my site. The five sketches cover a wide range of topics that are just a riot, like an MTV Cribs parody of house with a dead body buried in front and beer chugging gone way wrong. If that’s not comedy, I don’t know what is, baby.