ACCENTS is a weird one, but man, I defy anyone to tell me that Australians aren’t awesome. Leonardo DiCaprio even declared in an interview a few years back that he was “blown away” by the the level of commitment the actors in Australia have. And if Leo says it, it’s gospel.
When I was studying acting to get better at directing, and actually auditioning, one random day I decided to walk into the casting room with an Australian accent. I had a backstory and everything. I did the actual audition in my regular accent, and the casting people were super impressed that I “just jumped right into that American accent.”
I didn’t get the part (their loss), but I couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if I did? Would I have to pretend to be Australian for the rest of my life? Would Hugh Jackman finally take my calls? Long story short, ACCENTS screened at Silver Lake Shorts that August, and I’m now developing the idea as a feature.
Also, half of this one takes place in a car too. Not sure why I keep doing that to myself.